Ranma vs Doom
by: Shadowfire

This is the first chapter (if you don't count the prologue) of my fanfic.  As you know, or should know
at least, that I'm new to writing fanfiction.  I know Doom well enough, since I spend a good amount
of my free time playing it...but Ranma 1/2 is another story.  I just started to watch Ranma episodes
a year ago, and I've just started some heavy duty fanfic reading (when I say heavy duty, I mean I awake
hours into the night reading a story...some life, eh?).  I could use a few pointers on how to do the
Ranma characters, but until I get the advice I need, I'm going to continue to write in the manner I 
have been.  When I get the advice, I will revise my fanfic and send out the adjusted copies.  Hell,
I don't even know if I WILL be sending out any of this...I need to find a spot where I can do that...
like a homepage.  Anyway, I'm getting off track here.  I haven't decided weither or not this will be
a sadfic, but it will most certainly be gruesome, and later on full of blood and gore.  That's what
I specialize in.  Anyway, here's the story...

Part1:  Gym teacher from hell.

   Walking along the fence towards the Tendo Dojo, Ranma took time to reflect on today's events.
A new phys-ed teacher, Tom Lewis, had come to Furinkan High because the ordinary phys-ed 
teacher was sick with the flu.  Tom had seemed okay at first, but when he started to teach he
worked the students to their limits, even Ranma was sweating by the end of class.  His teaching 
methods could only be described as brutal, and anyone he caught taking a break from the exercise
he immediately forced to do 500 push-ups on their knuckles, and then made them continue the

"All I know," Ranma thought bitterly,"is that if he keeps working us like that, I'm gonna either report
him or bash his face in."

  When Ranma finally reached the Tendo's, he simply walked in through the door and went straight to 
the guest room where he and his father stayed.  He took off his red chinese shirt, revealing the flowing
muscles of his arms and torso, and threw it on the floor without stopping his stride.  He then collapsed
onto his futon and was instantly to sleep. Kasumi walked by and was startled at what she saw.

  "Oh my, this isn't like Ranma at all." she thought, "I don't think I've ever seen him so tired since I've
known him...not even after a strenous workout.  He was even too tired to put his shirt in the washer!"

  Kasumi stepped quietly into the room, slowly picked up the shirt, and silently walked out, closing 
the door quietly behind herself.

  "No sense in waking him up until meal time." she sighed, then walked out into the kitchen.


  Tom Lewis stepped into his apartment, feeling moderately fatigued after his day at work.

  "Must be getting soft." he thought gruffly.

  He closed and locked the door behind him and took off his black leather jacket and hung it up on
the coat rack in his hallway.  He took his wallet out of his blue denim jeans and placed it inside his
jacket pocket, and made his way to the living room.  Sparcely decorated as it was, his living room had
a decent couch, with brown leather apolstry, and a 20 inch color TV sitting directly in front of it.  He 
layed down on the couch and mused over the class he had taught.

"Mostly a bunch of outta shape wimps." he said with a hint of amusement in his voice."But when I'm
through with 'em, they'll be ready for anything." he chuckled softly before reaching for the remote and
switching on the TV.


  Satan was sitting on his newly-made throne inside of an abandoned warehouse near Tokyo harbour.
The throne was made of pure red ruby with hellish runes inscribed in gold upon it.  The "throne room"
of the warehouse was full of red tapestries hanging from the walls, each having the upside down cross
etched upon them in ebony silk.  Several newly-formed demons stood at alcoves, their putrid white
eyes moving around in their sockets, scanning everything within sight for possible danger.  Satan
was pleased with his new accomodations, but these were nothing compared to Death Keep, which
was probably destroyed by now.  Yes, he was pleased, but also greatly incovenienced.

  Just as he sat there, contemplating his next move, one of his many human spies ran into the room,
obviously out of breath and looking very frightened.  This fact was not lost upon Satan, and his curiosity

  "M'lord Satan, I have urgent news to report!" the man said in a trembling voice.  

  Satan looked at him,  the man was 5'10, had blonde hair and green eyes and was as pale as pale can
get...understandable since about 20 demons were staring at him with malevolence in their eyes.  The 
demons hated living things, and only held their urges to kill him in because this man was a servant of
their lord.  Satan smiled, his fangs protruding over his lower lip.

  "You may speak, mortal, but be swift, for I have pressing buisness." he boomed, his deep voice 
echoing throughout the room.

  "There's a mother load of weaponry and ammunition being shipped into a nearby warehouse!  
Everything from knives to rocket launchers!  Hell, they're even storing a tank there!" the man gushed,
his voice filled with elation.  All of Satan's spies knew that he rewarded the bearer of good news well,
and this HAD to be te best news since he had gotten here.  Satan's smile increased an inch, his eyes
sparkling with pleasure.

  "You have done well mortal, very well indeed.  You have just given me the key to begin my conquest...
 and now you are to deliver this message to the Spider Mastermind to recieve your reward." he said 
slowly, his voice even and smooth.

  He handed the man a black scroll sealed with a red wax seal bearing the upside down cross, and
sent him down a corridor to the barracks section of the warhouse (the barracks section was just 
another large chamber with racks of very uncomfortable bunks and maintenance sections).  
  "Soon," he thought, "this dimension will be mine...and then I will go back to Hell and wipe out the
Space Marine Corps for good....then I'll conquer their pitiful dimension...and all others." he chuckled
gleefully and rubbed his hands together.  Suddenly, there was a loud blood curdling scream which
was suddenly cut off by the sounds of chaingun fire.  The man had gotten his reward.


  The next day dawned bright and beautiful in Nerima, the red sun sending a warm glow over the 
buildings and streets.  Birds began to sing in the trees, chirping merrily to greet the oncoming morning,
while people started to wake up and begin their morning routines.  

  Ranma looked out his window at the sunrise, watching the sun slowly lift over the horizon.  With a 
satisfied grunt he started to do some of his katas, going through all of the motions with an ease that
only a great martial artist can accomplish.  It was just then, of course, that his father decided to 
initiate a training session.  Genma suddenly sprung at Ranma from inside of his closet, grabbing the
youth and sending him flying out the window and, naturally, right into the koi pond.  A very peeved 
(and very female) Ranma stepped out of the koi pond, her battle aura flaring.

  "What'd you do that for???" she yelled at her father, her voice seething with rage.

  "A true martial artist must be ready for an attack at all times!" Genma replied soundly, convinced that
he was right."Some day you'll thank me for this!"

  "When hell freezes over." thought Ranma bitterly.  With a sudden and very swift movement she filled 
a pail with water and threw  up at the window.  The pail landed neatly on Genma's head, drenching 
his shirt thoroughly and changing him into his Panda form.  Grunting, Genma-Panda padded out
of the bedroom and down the stairs, while Ranma walked into the house from the yard entrance.  
Sighing, she knelt down by the table, putting her elbow on its surface and proped her cheek against
her hand. 

  Kasumi walked in with a boiling kettle of water, having been prepared for this morning routine in
advance, when she noticed how glum Ranma looked. She frowned ever so slightly, but it was gone 
in an instant.

  "Why do you look so glum on such a beautiful morning, Ranma?" asked Kasumi in a cheerful voice as
she dumped the hot water over Ranma's head.

  "We have gym today." he monotoned.

  "But Ranma, I thought gym was one of your favorite subjects, especially since you're so good at 
anything physical like that...why do you sound so down about it?" she asked, the cheerful note
never leaving her voice.

  "It's the new gym teacher, Tom Lewis...he's working us harder than he should be...even I was
exausted after yesterday's gym class...I can only imagine how everyone else felt."

  "Well, maybe if you.." Kasumi started, but was interrupted by Nabiki.  Nabiki came charging in from 
the living room at top speed, and had to stop for a moment to catch her breath.

  "What's got you in such a hurry, Nabiki?  Is there someone rich coming to visit or something?" Ranma
asked, amusment and curiosity edging his voice.

  Nabiki favored him an icy glare before speaking. "There's something on the news you both have to see."
she said hastily.  

  They all moved quickly to the living room and stood in front of the television.  On the screen was what
was left of a military warehouse with several mangled bodies of soldiers lying around what would have
been the entrance.  The newscaster was speaking the report in a clear...yet boring voice.

  "....and this is the sight which greeted authorities when they arrived at the scene.  This was a military
warehouse storing about 3,000 fire arms and heavy weapons, and an American Sherman tank, which 
had been placed there for storage.  Also, the warehouse had a large cache of ammunition, enough to
last an army for a month of constant firing.  The theft took place between 1:30 and 2am last night
in the warehouse district of Tokyo harbor, all 50 guards were found mangled and mutilated horribly
by the assailents, who's identities as yet remain a mystery.  Military and police officials are looking into
the matter.  In other news..." Nabiki shut off the TV.

  "Geez, that's pretty bad." Ranma said quietly."I feel so sorry for the families of those men...I wonder
who could have done something like that."

  "I don't know, but it looks like they knew what they were doing, that they were professionals...they took]
out 50 soldiers without losing a man!" Nabiki said in a semi-fearful voice."Just think, there could be a
new terrorist group...they just got themselves enough weapons to do severe damage to Tokyo."


  Meanwhile, someone else was watching the news broadcast.  Tom Lewis looked at the Television with
a grim look on his face, his jaw hard-set.  He knew what was going on, he had seen it so many times

  "This is NOT good." he thought sadly. "Not good at all..."

End of part 1.

Next time: Ranma challenges Tom to a fight to try to change his ways of teaching, but the teacher
is more then he appears...

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